This infographic gives an overview of the model and goals of a partnership between Global Coffee Platform (GCP) and Partnerships for Forests.
Theme: Multi-stakeholder dialogues
FACT Dialogue: Turning the tide on commodity-driven deforestation
This case study explores the purpose and structure of the FACT Dialogue as well as its key achievements to date.
Global Coffee Platform: Championing agroforestry for a climate resilient and smallholder focused East African coffee sector
This case study explores how P4F has supported the GCP to integrate agroforestry components into policies and processes in three East African countries: Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.
The Cocoa & Forests Initiative: An analysis of the initiative’s work toward collective action against deforestation
This report aims to provide an overview and systematic guidance on how the CFI effectively engaged key government stakeholders, leading cocoa companies, and civil society organisations to foster collaboration.
Marrakesh+5: Five Years of Progress towards Sustainable Palm Oil Development in Africa
Progress, lessons learned and next steps for the Africa Palm Oil Initiative (APOI), five years after the signing of the Marrakesh Declaration for Sustainable Development of the Palm Oil Sector in Africa.
Advancing smallholder farmers’ voices in the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber
This case study examines how GPSNR went about improving the representation and voice of smallholders across six countries in a meaningful way.