Frequently Asked Questions

What is the aim of Partnerships for Forests?

Partnerships for Forests supports investment models in which the private sector, public sector and communities can achieve shared value from sustainable forests and sustainable land use.

By creating market-ready ‘Forest Partnerships’ that offer an attractive balance of risks and benefits for the private sector, public sector and communities, the programme aims to mobilise significant investment, principally from the private sector.

The programme also supports demand-side measures that strengthen demand for sustainable commodities, and activities to create the right enabling conditions for sustainable investment.

What types of projects will the programme fund?

To create viable investment propositions we use grants and technical assistance to incubate partnerships between private sector companies, public sector actors and civil society.

These ‘Forest Partnerships’ should result in positive outcomes for all partners, while contributing to reduced deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, forest restoration or forest conservation.

We are looking to help selected partnerships move through the stages required to get to market – from idea development to business planning, to deal negotiation and piloting, and finally to commercial scale-up.

Partnerships for Forests will support partnerships at different levels of maturity, from those that are only ideas through to projects that have already been piloted and are looking to scale up. However all partnerships should have the potential to deliver impact at scale, either through their own operations or replication elsewhere.

The programme also supports demand side measures that strengthen demand for sustainable commodities, and activities to create the right enabling conditions for sustainable investment.

What do you mean by additionality?

Partnerships for Forests operates according to a principle of additionality. This means that grants and TA must not substitute or replace organisation’s core funding, or subsidise activities that private sector companies or other partners should undertake themselves.

Instead, they must lead to outcomes that may have not have happened without the programme’s involvement. Grants and TA must support new or innovative projects that catalyse investment and develop knowledge in the form of new tools, techniques, lessons, or models.

Are applicants expected to match funding?

Applicants for Partnerships for Forests funds are encouraged to secure a minimum of 25% of the total costs of a project as Match Funding.

How long will grant funding last?

We provide selected partnerships with the funding required to progress to the next stage of maturity. This funding will be provided based on an agreed set of outputs as well as an agreed time period for delivery. If partnerships succeed in delivering these outputs, or if Partnerships for Forests judges the partnership suitable for further support, the project partners may apply for further funding to reach the next stage of maturity. All grant activities must conclude by June 2023.

Are there are organisations that can’t apply for grants or TA?

Yes, grants or TA will not be awarded to:

  • Organisations that have been the subject of any proceedings or other arrangements relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or financial standing in the last 5 years;
  • Organisations that have been convicted of any offence concerning professional misconduct;
  • Organisations that have issues regarding obligations relating to the payment of income tax or sales tax or other tax contributions within the country;
  • Organisations that have been convicted of, or are the subject of any proceedings relating to:
    • Participation in a criminal organisation;
    • Corruption including the offence of bribery;
    • New countries if it leads to a flagship project
    • Fraud including theft; and
    • Money laundering
    • Human rights violation.

Are there any types of projects that the programme will not fund?

Partnerships for Forests will not fund:

  • Projects that do not promote sufficient additionality
  • Projects that present unacceptability high levels of reputational or other risks
  • Projects for which the programme does not have sufficient funding
  • Projects that cannot be implemented within the lifetime of the programme

What are the financial reporting requirements for grants?

All grantees will be required to submit technical and financial reports on a quarterly and annual basis. Grantees are required to submit supporting documentation and evidence for claims (for example, receipts) which reconcile to the same total amount that is being claimed, as well as supporting evidence on technical achievements/outputs.

In what currency should the budget and financial report be presented?

The budget must be denominated in GBP (£). However, the budget can be prepared using different currency denominations which should then be converted into the GBP currency at an appropriate exchange rate for reimbursement.

Do applicants need to open a specific bank account to receive grants?

Grantees are encouraged to open a specific bank account for the grant. It is a requirement that the funds received from Partnerships for Forests are clearly identified and separate from the general account of the grantee. When it is not possible to open a new bank account, grantees can open a sub-account within an organisation’s main bank account. If a new bank account or sub-account cannot be opened, applicants must justify why it cannot open either a new account or sub account and provide a clear indication of how they intend to maintain segregation of the funds from the point of reception through to disbursement, and accurately calculate and notify any interest accrued.

When are reports due? Is there a specific format?

Grant agreements will differ. The frequency and format of reporting will be presented in the terms and conditions of your grant award. We do provide templates and instructions for completing financial reports.

Can a single lead organisation submit multiple proposals for the Partnerships for Forests call?


Is it possible for an organisation to submit two proposals for the same country?


Would the programme support trans-boundary initiatives, with slightly different partnerships on each side of the border?


You say that civil-society organisations are one of the three desired types of partners, but what about community-based organisations. Are they are part of this same group of desired partners. Is that correct?

Yes. Both CSOs and CBOs qualify as partners.

What are your criteria to determine which organisation can be regarded as a civil society organisations?

The term ‘civil society organisation’ (CSO) covers a broad range of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), charities, trusts, foundations, advocacy groups, national and international non-state associations, individual businesses and think tanks.

If a consortium is awarded funding, can the same group of partners apply again on a future call?

Yes. You can apply to continue the same project, scale up it up, or replicate it in another area.

What are the timelines for selection and approval of concepts? How long will the review process be and when will funding be available for selected proposals/projects?

We do not operate to a fixed funding timetable. The time from application to funding for shortlisted applicants will depend on how long it takes to refine the concept note (in consultation with Partnerships for Forests) to a stage where it can be considered for funding by FDCO. This could be as soon as 3 months after the call for concepts closes

Would it be possible to modify proposed partnerships after the concept note has been submitted?

Yes. Proposed partnerships can be modified at the next stage of development..