In August 2021, the work of the independent P4F Evaluation Manager (EM), led by NIRAS-LTS, in consortium with Natural Resources Institute (University of Greenwich), and Aidenvironment, came to an end.
The EM was contracted by one of the Partnerships for Forests (P4F) donors – the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) – and has been working with P4F since 2017 via an evaluative learning approach that was employed to generate lessons and inform the P4F programme in its adaptive management, as well as to inform the UK Government on lessons learned associated with the implementation of the programme.
Much of the work undertaken by the EM was focused internally to help with programme implementation and adaptative management but many of the outputs that have been produced are also valuable and of interest to others working in the same area as P4F, namely, trying to mobilise private investment into the deforestation free tropical forests and sustainable land use sectors.
These reports are rich in detail and contain many elements that may be of interest and re-usable to others. Full author details, annexes, tool use guidelines and such are available as part of each report.