Facilitating the Development of Partnerships
Partnerships for Forests’ aims to catalyse, facilitate and accelerate change towards sustainable private sector investment, sustainable procurement practices and sustainable supply chains.
We are an incubator. Through grants and technical assistance (TA), we help selected partners move through the stages required to get to market – from idea development and memorandum of understanding (MOU), to business planning, to deal negotiation and piloting, and finally to commercial scale-up.
Partnerships for Forests operates according to a principle of additionality. This means that grants and TA must not substitute or replace organisation’s core funding, or subsidise activities that private sector companies or other partners should undertake themselves.
Instead, they must lead to outcomes that may have not have happened without the programme’s involvement. Grants and TA must support new or innovative projects that catalyse investment and develop knowledge in the form of new tools, techniques, lessons, or models.
Partnerships for Forest’s Grants and TA will provide support across the three programme areas: Forest Partnerships; enabling conditions; and demand-side measures.