This literature review was conducted by the Partnerships for Forests (P4F) Evaluation Manager, NIRAS-LTS International. It identifies and analyses evidence from secondary sources to test the intervention strategy of P4F on high value, low intensity value chains.
P4F anticipates that by providing support to forest partnerships, enabling conditions and demand side measures to advance commercialisation of High Value Low Intensity value chains (HVLI), that this will contribute to enhanced producer and community capacity strengthening, practice change and benefits, while simultaneously generating positive ecological impacts. Most of the relevant literature is focused on Non-timber forest products (NTFPs), which is relevant for this study because these products are also characterised by their high value end markets, while at the same time they are found and can be harvested at a low density within forest landscapes. This study explores the evidence for the social and environmental outcomes of commercialising HVLIs value chains.