Non-timber forest products (NTFPs), such as seeds, spices, and fruits, are an essential source of income for communities residing in and around forests, including the indigenous Ba’ka people in southern Cameroon.
Women play a vital role in household livelihoods and decision-making, as they are primarily responsible for engaging in most activities along the NTFP value chain. They collect and sell approximately 60% of the NTFPs. However, NTFP collectors face numerous challenges in effectively transporting, storing, processing, and selling these products at fair prices.
Partnerships for Forests (P4F) has been supporting various initiatives to strengthen both the supply and demand aspects of the NTFP market. The goal is to enhance the value chain and, in turn, improve the financial and social position of women and indigenous NTFP collectors.
The case study describes the project’s value chain model and reflects on progress towards key goals.