This synthesis report looked at insights and recommendations for promoting private investment for deforestation-free commodities to reduce pressure on forests and improve livelihoods.
Theme: Wild forest economy
Sustainable açaí and heart of palm in Colombia
Presenting the successful story of Planeta, a regional business built around non-timber forest products in the departments of Antioquia and Chocó, in Colombia.
Virtual Launch Ethiopia’s Forest Coffee: An Illustrated Guide
Watch the worldwide launch of Ethiopia’s Forest Coffee: An Illustrated Guide. This innovative resource gives coffee buyers and enthusiasts around the world a detailed overview of Ethiopia’s exciting forest coffee.
Coopavam: Untapping the green power of Brazil nuts
This video takes a look at how Brazilian cooperative Coopavam is working closely with indigenous communities to protect forests and improve livelihoods in the Amazon, with support from Partnerships for Forests.
Illipe Nut: A New Value Chain with Strong Social and Gender Potential
This case study explores how Partnerships for Forests is supporting ethical commodity producer Forestwise to develop a market for illipe butter to unlock the commercial value of the illipe nut and support communities in West Kalimantan, with a particular focus on the model’s gender and social impact.
Making forests and biodiversity work for all: workshop
This online workshop gives a high-level summary of our report, ‘Making forests and biodiversity work for all’, showcasing how P4F is supporting regenerative business models in areas with high biodiversity value across the tropics.
Jagua: The first natural blue colour additive from Colombia to the world
Pioneer company Ecoflora has managed to unlock the commercial uses of the Jagua fruit, bringing the first ever stable, natural blue colourant to the world food industry while protecting Colombian forests.
Wild Forest Honey Market & Sales Strategy Research Report
This report explores how partners – in particular those working in ecosystem restoration concessions – might leverage marketing and sales strategies to support producers to reach premium buyers, or value-add their products.
The Seed Paths Initiative
The Seed Paths Initiative works to strengthen forest restoration in Brazil through a direct seeding technique – a low-cost restoration method with strong social and environmental benefits.
High Value, Low Intensity Value Chains in Forest Landscapes: Literature Review
This literature review identifies and analyses evidence from secondary sources to test the intervention strategy of P4F on high value, low intensity value chains.