P4F Evaluative Case Studies: Final Synthesis

This synthesis report looked at insights and recommendations for promoting transformational change to reduce the pressure on forests and improve livelihoods through private investment for deforestation-free commodities.

Forest Partners

Forest Partners is our latest documentary that crosses three continents to highlight the economic potential of forests, based on sustainable and inclusive production systems.

Padrões mínimos de conformidade para acessar investimentos

Esse guia prático foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de apoiar uma gama distinta de empreendedores – de pequenas e médias empresas a cooperativas e associações rurais – a desenvolver competências básicas para enfrentarem processos por vezes criteriosos de verificação de diligência de riscos e conformidade.

Produce-Protect Initiatives in Forest Landscapes

This evaluative study sought to explore the strategically important area of “Produce-Protect” interventions within P4F. The work included a literature review and expert interviews as the basis for an assessment framework that can then be applied across P4F and similar programmes.