This video summarises the closing event of the P4F Latin America programme.
Theme: Regenerative business
Forests for the Future: P4F key achievements and learnings across six years in Latin America
The objective of P4F in Latin America has been centred on fostering and expanding innovative land use businesses and testing ideas from across the nature-based solutions arena. This report aims to disseminate the key learnings and insights acquired throughout the last six years of the programme.
Investing in African forests: New Forests and P4F
The video-animation provides insights into the private capital raised with P4F’s support, demonstrating the tangible outcomes of the collaboration between P4F East Africa and New Forests Africa.
Identifying pathways for achieving transformational change in forest partnerships using Qualitative Comparative Analysis
P4F’s monitoring, evaluation, and learning team used Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to identify which combination of factors is most likely to make the P4F-supported projects transformative as part of its work to understand outcomes.
Forest Businesses
This booklet contains a selection of P4F-supported initiatives that represent investable, innovative business models in tropical regions.
Sustainable cocoa agroforestry in the Amazon
This case story highlights the relevance of the Cacau Floresta project for the restoration of the biome in southeast Pará.
Why we need to invest in regenerative forest businesses
This video highlights why we need to invest in regenerative business in the tropical belt, focusing on Indonesia.
Forestwise: Unlocking the potential of forest products for economic, social, and environmental goals
Forestwise is supporting communities in Borneo to commercialise sustainable forest products and introduce them to international markets.
The wealth of sociobiodiversity in Latin America
Watch how the projects supported by the Partnerships for Forests work with commodities in Latin America.
How de-risking strategies can help to mobilise private investment for businesses that deliver social, environmental, and economic benefits
This report highlights private capital mobilisation strategies for sustainable new businesses.