A Year in Latin America

A year into our expansion into Latin America, we reflect on key learnings from the period, with a series of recommendations for both entrepreneurs and investors in the climate-smart land use sector in Colombia and Brazil.

Creating Value Through Restoration

This evaluative study relates to the P4F strategic intervention area on restoration and how value can be created through restoration. The study methodology includes a literature review and expert interviews from which findings were identified and an assessment framework developed.

Produce-Protect Initiatives in Forest Landscapes

This evaluative study sought to explore the strategically important area of “Produce-Protect” interventions within P4F. The work included a literature review and expert interviews as the basis for an assessment framework that can then be applied across P4F and similar programmes.

High Value, Low Intensity Value Chains in Forest Landscapes

This evaluative study sought to answer the following question: ‘To what extent and how can high value, low intensity (HVLI) value chains create sufficiently strong incentives for sustainable forestry and associated land use practices, via increasing productivity and producer incomes, rather than deforestation and land degradation’.