Recovering, Rebuilding and Regrowing

In this interactive deep-dive, we share some of our immediate responses to COVID-19 as a programme and put forward a case for considering sustainable land use and forests as an essential part of the longer-term global recovery.

Coopavam: Untapping the green power of Brazil nuts

This video takes a look at how Brazilian cooperative Coopavam is working closely with indigenous communities to protect forests and improve livelihoods in the Amazon, with support from Partnerships for Forests.

Unlocking Carbon Finance in Ghana

Lessons learned from incubating a regenerative cocoa business model in Ghana that helped unlock performance-based payments for carbon emission reductions in Ghana’s High Forest Zone.

Evaluating transformative change in tropical forest landscape initiatives

This briefing explores the issue of transformative change in tropical forest landscape initiatives. It examines; Why is transformative change, and its assessment, important?; What is transformative change?; What is transformative change in forest-landscape and sector contexts?; and How to assess transformative change.

Padrões mínimos de conformidade para acessar investimentos

Esse guia prático foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de apoiar uma gama distinta de empreendedores – de pequenas e médias empresas a cooperativas e associações rurais – a desenvolver competências básicas para enfrentarem processos por vezes criteriosos de verificação de diligência de riscos e conformidade.