The case study describes how the AFR100 Secretariat, a pan-African multi-stakeholder platform aimed at restoring forest landscapes, has been working to address key challenges for raising private sector investment for restoration activities.
Through support by Partnerships for Forest (P4F), two regional coordinators were hired and have worked with the AFR100 Secretariat to counter barriers for investment and achievement of restoration goals, such as lack of coordination at national level, lack of funding to implement activities, absence of robust and coherent monitoring, and inadequate communications and advocacy activities.
In order to address these challenges, national Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) platforms involving several actors including the private sector have been set up in eight member countries. The Secretariat also formed independent working groups to improve monitoring, provide transparent information about progress and to mobilise more resources for restoration. Through these combined efforts, there has been increased funding to the restoration initiative including pledges by Bezos Earth Fund and the Global Evergreening Alliance.