This report aims to provide stakeholders with invaluable insights into the performance, impact, and operational dynamics of the Partnerships for Forests programme.
Resource type: Portfolio
Enhancing inclusive business models: A global overview of nature-based businesses supported by Partnerships for Forests
The methodology for this case study was developed by the MEL Committee and features inclusive business models that inherently deliver social utility, with the potential to inspire other businesses to adopt more inclusive practices.
Forests for the Future: The closing event of the P4F Latin America programme
This video summarises the closing event of the P4F Latin America programme.
Forests for the Future: P4F key achievements and learnings across six years in Latin America
The objective of P4F in Latin America has been centred on fostering and expanding innovative land use businesses and testing ideas from across the nature-based solutions arena. This report aims to disseminate the key learnings and insights acquired throughout the last six years of the programme.
Forest Businesses
This booklet contains a selection of P4F-supported initiatives that represent investable, innovative business models in tropical regions.