This report discusses P4F’s sustainable coffee production projects in Ethiopia and Uganda. It covers challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for improving the efficiency and sustainability of coffee projects.
Resource type: Case studies
Case study resource type
An agroforestry model to manage social and environmental risks in Northern Uganda
Lush and its subsidiary Alumalum have been successfully operating an agroforestry-based Partner Farmer Programme in Northern Uganda. P4F has supported the programme’s expansion and the inclusion of additional commodities, such as cocoa and vanilla, along with the implementation of a Payments for Ecosystem Services carbon project.
Engaging Smallholders to Expand Sustainable Timber Certification
P4F collaborated with the Forest Stewardship Council in East Africa to promote group certification uptake by the Western Tree Planters Association (WETPA) in Western Kenya, and so achieve responsible management of their woodlots for timber and other tree products and services.
Unlocking Nature’s Value in Colombia: Innovating Market Mechanisms to Protect Biodiversity
This case study highlights P4F’s role in Latin America, fostering biodiversity protection and the development of biodiversity credits as an innovative financial tool.
Unlocking forest investments through the Priority Programme of Bioeconomy
The Priority Programme of Bioeconomy (PPBio) is an investment mechanism for bioeconomy based on a Brazilian Government fiscal incentive policy, set up in 2018, to boost investments into biodiversity in the Western Amazon.
Enhancing Colombia’s Bioeconomy Through Açaí
This case study explores the efforts to assess açaí’s potential, back local enterprises in Colombia’s Amazon and Pacific regions, analyse national and international market trends, and assist in designing optimal fruit harvesting regulations in Colombia.
Exploring Cascara Coffee in Ethiopia: A journey from discarded fruit to antioxidant-rich beverage
This video showcases a journey into the world of Cascara coffee. It explores the origins of cascara, it’s traditional use by Ethiopian coffee farmers, and how Moyee has harnessed it’s potential to create a unique and sustainable coffee experience.
Optimizing forest impact through a portfolio approach: Insights from the integration of regional strategies in Partnerships for Forests
This report presents how a programme portfolio approach, like the P4F programme, can enhance synergies between businesses across regions globally to promote positive impact.
Enhancing inclusive business models: A global overview of nature-based businesses supported by Partnerships for Forests
The methodology for this case study was developed by the MEL Committee and features inclusive business models that inherently deliver social utility, with the potential to inspire other businesses to adopt more inclusive practices.
Registering biodiversity products to access new international markets: The case of Baru nut registry in the UK and EU
The project focused on registering the Baru nut in the UK and EU, while disseminating knowledge to a broader ecosystem of non-timber forest product (NTFP) initiatives.