Over half the world’s GDP depends on nature and its services, generating around $44 trillion in economic value. But despite a growing understanding of our reliance on nature, it is still deeply undervalued by investors.
Tropical forests and the biodiversity they support are under ever growing pressure due to deforestation and forest degradation driven by commodity agriculture and land use change. To tackle this, the root causes of deforestation and degradation – which include poor governance, global inequality, and changing social and environmental values – must be addressed.
Regenerative business models which create value from standing forests and other natural ecosystems can generate billions of dollars in new investment opportunities and mitigate nature-related risks. They are crucial to tackling global warming, protecting species against extinction, creating jobs and building social and economic resilience to future shocks. But these business models are still in their infancy. The challenge is to get to scale.
In our report, ‘Making forests and biodiversity work for all’, we show how P4F is supporting regenerative business models in areas with high biodiversity value across the tropics. Drawing on our partners’ experience, we demonstrate why it is in companies’ interest to develop sustainable, inclusive business models which contribute to biodiversity preservation. We also demonstrate why financiers should invest in regenerative business models and how governments can enable easier investments through supporting blended finance models and investment-friendly policies.
To find out more please read the full report available to download below.
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