This latest update from Partnerships for Forests comes just ahead of the COP27 climate summit – an important moment for the future of our planet.
The focus this year, with countries coming ‘Together for Implementation’ and taking action towards the Paris agreement, will, we hope, bring renewed attention to the role of nature-based solutions in decarbonising economies and keeping the goal of 1.5°C alive.
This newsletter, we are launching our new portfolio summary, Forest Businesses, which showcases the kinds of investable, innovative business models in tropical regions that will need to be rapidly scaled to meet these targets.
Many of these initiatives are already proving their potential to mobilise private finance for natural climate solutions with proven impact – like the PPBio initiative in Brazil and the Payments for Ecosystems Services (PES) market in Indonesia. We hope you enjoy reading some of their latest successes in this month’s issue.
Our quarterly newsletter showcases climate solutions that protect and restore forests via regenerative business and innovative finance. Sign up to receive these updates straight to your inbox.