Partnerships for Forests is tendering an 11-month consultancy to support the registration of the baru nut as a novel food in the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK).
A market assessment for baru identified good commercial potential in the EU and the UK, mainly due to growing markets for nuts and walnuts in Europe. However, the baru nut is not yet legally registered and can only be commercialised once approved by authorities in the region.
P4F is looking for a trade law firm specialised in product registration to lead the approval process to permit the legal trade of baru nuts in both the EU and UK.
The latest version of the ITT linked below, was published on April 27, 2022 including the following changes:
- addresses new information on the proposed workplan for the project and updates on the registration process in the EU for the Baru nut.
- Extends the deadline to receive tenders by 10 days. The deadline is now 4 May 2022 at 6pm Brazil Time.
The main goal of this project is to expand international markets for the baru nut, a key product of Brazilian sociobiodiversity, and part of an initiative to build livelihoods, prevent deforestation and support the environmental sustainability of the Cerrado biome (Brazilian savanna).
The publicly available Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) contains the Terms of Reference (“TOR”), the technical and financial selection criteria, and the conditions of tender.
NOTE: The selected company must commit to the terms within the P4F subcontract template.
Please forward your tender in accordance with the Details for Submission in the ITT by the deadline for receipt of tenders.
Deadline for receipt of clarifications: 18:00 (Brazil Time) on 3/05/2022
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 18:00 (Brazil Time) on 06/05/2022
We look forward to your responses, and if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Project Officer by e-mail: