V. Fair Trade Comércio e Exportação de Calçados e Acessórios LTDA. (V. Fair Trade), a company located in Campo Bom Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, seeks to procure latex extraction implements suppliers. This procurement is divided in three different Invitation to Tenders (ITTs), each of them related to specific materials for latex extraction. Entities may submit a bid for specific ITTs or all of them.
Partnerships for Forests (P4F) has approved a grant to V Fair Trade to increase the number of rubber tappers involved in its supply chain.
The publicly available ITTs (cup ITT, tap ITT and the ITT for additional instruments) contains the conditions of the tenders and the technical and financial selection criteria.
Please forward your tender in accordance with the ITTs conditions by the deadline for receipt of tenders.
We look forward to responses, and if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the procurement manager by email: marcelo@piedrafita.eti.br
Deadline for receipt of clarifications: 22/10/2019
Deadline for receipt of tenders: 01:59 (Brasilia Time Zone) on 29/10/2019