Partnerships for Forests is joining the Tropical Forest Aliance 2020 for a forum on jurisdictional leadership for climate-positive land use.
The event, ony 22 September in New York City, will bring together leaders from national and subnational governments, the donor community, the private sector, and civil society organisations. to discuss effective approaches to realizing jurisdictional sustainability.
The forum will explore key questions on jurisdictional programs, including how to set coherent agendas that integrate climate mitigation, adaptation, land use planning and rural economic development, as well as food security goals, as well how to accelerate integration of jurisdictional leadership with the international processes on climate and development. This session is open to public and media (upon registration)
Background to the event
Forests and Agriculture play a key role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Their combined emissions reduction potential is roughly equal to that of the power and transport sectors combined while the estimated CO2 cost can be significantly lower than in other sectors.
The Paris Agreement has catalysed ambitious commitments by forest and donor governments, as well as leading private sector companies. A number of sub-national governments are now developing ambitious climate and forest programs at the jurisdictional level. Given the reduced geographic scale, such programs for jurisdictional sustainability hold great promise to accelerate the implementation of climate and development goals, including by offering greater potential for action-oriented public-private partnerships.
More information is available at